Health + Safety
Find updated policies and protocols for health and safety at Seattle Dance Fitness. Policies are updated regularly in compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations and recommendations.
Please Stay Home when Sick 🤒
COVID-19 is still present in our communities (as are all the traditional illnesses we've overlooked these past years)... Please stay home if you are sick.
KNOw Before you Go
If you are experiencing any of the following COVID-19 symptoms, we ask that you take an at-home or PCR test before coming to class:
Fever or Chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Please isolate from the studio for 5 days.
Per WA DOH guidelines, if you are not showing symptoms, you may return to public spaces after day 5 wearing a tight-fitting mask from days 6-10.
**We'd love to see you on livestream while you are recovering!
Seattle Dance Fitness is committed to following the recommendations and guidelines set out by local governing authorities regarding COVID-19. Below is our current policy heading into Fall 2022.
Policies subject to change.
Stay Home when Sick
Your good judgment is our best defense!
Masks Optional
All our classes are mask optional.
Our Instructors are Fully Vaccinated
We have required all Seattle Dance Fitness instructors to be fully vaccinated in order to teach in-studio.
Subject to Change
As we always have, we will pivot as needed to keep our health and safety in mind. Check back for changes.
Additional Efforts:
Barring significant weather issues, our studio's large garage door stays open during class year round for maximum air-flow.
The studio is also outfitted with an air purification system whose main features include:
MCI™(Multi-Cluster Ionization)™technology to attack mold, bacteria & viruses
Needlepoint Ion generation to significantly reduce particles in the air
Wash/sanitize your hands upon entering and before leaving the studio.
If you use studio equipment, please disinfect it before returning it.
By attending any classes at or performed by Seattle Dance Fitness, you agree to abide by all of our health & safety policies, including Mask Policies, Before Coming to Class Policies, In-Studio Policies and so on.
By choosing to attend any classes at or performed by Seattle Dance Fitness, or by signing up any minor to participate in a DANCE class, you understand that it is your responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding your or your child's participation in DANCE classes. By attending, you represent and warrant that you or your child are physically fit and have no medical condition that would prevent your or your child's full participation in DANCE classes.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in DANCE classes, you agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages (known or unknown), property damage or loss of any kind in which you or your child may incur as a result of participating in DANCE classes.